Tuesday, March 22, 2011

here's to my last...my little caboose


Our youngest and last son is about to turn one. I can hardly believe how fast time flies by. It's so cliche and everyone tells you "They grow up fast", but until you have your own, you have no idea how true that statement is. It's so fun and exciting to go through all the milestones and rejoice with your children at each new accomplishment, but at the very same time it's a little sad to see your babies getting so big. Life becomes filled with joyeous moments that you can never return to, they will only ever be a memory to look back on and smile. I find myself saying time and time again, "If only I could bottle up every moment and save it forever", oh how I wish. Because I say to myself, I'll never forget this moment for the rest of my life, and then...somehow...I do. LIke all the firsts, his first smile, his first laugh, when he got that first sharp little tooth, if I didnt write it all down, I surely would've forgotten, and yet I though I never would. So here's to my little caboose, my last, he completes our family, I love him to pieces, and after him there will be no more baby days.

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